Course Syllabus

Below is a syllabus template you can use for your syllabus.  Feel free to edit this page or upload your own syllabus file

The Common Syllabus Statement Hub lists items to include in your syllabus. The Course Intended Outcomes site lists the required course learning outcomes to include in your syllabus. This syllabus maker can generate a list of dates for any class meetings, and HCC's academic calendar will let you know about holidays and other important dates, such as withdrawal deadlines.

See also this syllabus rubric and inclusive syllabus checklist for self-evaluating your syllabus. Consider adding a syllabus or orientation quiz to your orientation module if you wish to ensure students read and understand important information in your syllabus and/or orientation module. 

Click here to access a printable version of our course syllabus:

Exemplary Course Syllabus Template 8-24-21.docx 

Course description

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Course outcomes

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Instructional methodologies

(e.g. lecture, audio visuals, small group discussions, quizzes, etc.)


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Grading/examination system

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Attendance policy

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Course Summary:

Date Details Due